Above Ground Storage Tank Inspections

Periodic inspection of tanks is both good practice and mandatory in all Australian states & territories to ensure the continued integrity and safe operation of your plant and equipment.

Accession NDT provide complete inspections and certifications on above ground storage tanks to satisfy Australian Standards and also International Standards (USA and European). We can also identify defects and the maintenance & repair work required on your tank.

We can provide a tank inspection service regardless of whether you have a single tank or come from a large operating site and have many across your location.

We will carry out the inspections at any time that suits your production demands. The inspections are carried out using appropriate recording tools and work templates.

Report & Certification

All inspections are supplied with a report and certificate. Some tanks are required to be re-registered with workplace safety and once we have completed the inspection you will be supplied with all the appropriate information and paperwork to do so.

Information regarding plant registration is available at www.worksafe.qld.gov.au

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